Announcement of the details of the Commission of Inquiry into allegations of fraud, corruption, impropriety or irregularity in the Strategic Defence Procurement Packages, by the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Mr. Jeff Radebe, MP (Cape Town, 27 October 2011)
It is my honour and privilege to announce the terms of reference and the Regulations for the Commission of Inquiry into allegations of fraud, corruption, impropriety or irregularity in the Strategic Defence Procurement Packages (SDPP), commonly referred to as the Arms Deal. On behalf of the Executive, I hereby make these further announcements to give effect to the decision taken by the President as head of the State, pursuant to section 84(2)(f) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.
On Monday, 24 October 2011 the President announced the Commission chaired by Judge Seriti, a judge of the Supreme Court of Appeal. All of them are senior judges of high standing and integrity, who have impeccable track records in the legal and judicial work. They are judges of independent minds, who command respect from their peers and have exhibited leadership attributes in their added responsibilities other than presiding in court.
Judge Seriti, Supreme Court
of Appeal Judge
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