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(1) The purpose of these Regulations is to :
(2) These Regulations are made under the RMIT Statute No. 1 and sections 28, 29 and 30 of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Act 2010.
(3) Every course includes assessment.
(4) The assessment is in such written, oral, electronic or practical form or forms as the relevant college or the School of Graduate Research prescribes.
(5) For each course the college or the School of Graduate Research makes available to students, course guides that provide information on assessment as prescribed in the relevant policies and procedures.
(6) Where a student provides evidence that:
the student may apply through the relevant application process to the Academic Registrar for an assessment adjustment in accordance with the relevant policies and procedures.
(7) Each school establishes:
(8) A student may appeal against a decision made:
(9) The research component of higher degree by research programs is assessed via external, independent examination.
(10) The research component is in such written, oral or practical form or forms as the School of Graduate Research prescribes.
(11) Where, due to compassionate or compelling circumstances, a student provides evidence that they will be prevented from attending or completing any presentation relating to their research examination, the student may apply in writing to the Higher Degree by Research Coordinator in their school for a postponement of the presentation.
(12) Each school establishes research candidature milestone review panels which are responsible for monitoring and managing the research thesis/project progress of the student towards their timely completion of the degree.
(13) The progress of research students is also formally monitored and documented at the regular meetings students have with their supervisors.
(14) Each college establishes research candidate progress committees that will be responsible for monitoring and managing student performance in the program, including deciding whether a student’s candidature should be terminated where the student is classified as having established unacceptable academic progress.
(15) A student may appeal against a decision made:
(16) The Academic Board determines a schedule of grades.
(17) In each college there is a College Appeals Committee.
(18) Membership of the College Appeals Committee comprises:
(19) The chair of the College Appeals Committee is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) of the college.
(20) The secretary is the College senior administrative/academic officer (or nominee) and is non-voting.
(21) Wherever possible membership of the College Appeals Committee will represent gender equality.
(22) A person will not be appointed a member of the College Appeals Committee or be permitted to carry out the responsibilities of clause (25):
(23) A quorum of the College Appeals Committee is the chair and one (1) voting member.
(24) Subject to satisfying any eligibility criteria described in the relevant policies or procedures, a student may appeal to the relevant Deputy Vice-Chancellor to request a hearing of the College Appeals Committee against:
(25) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) will decide whether the application satisfies the grounds of appeal as defined in the relevant policies or procedures to determine whether the appeal can proceed to a hearing.
(26) Where eligibility criteria are deemed:
(27) Any appeal under clause (24) will be made by lodging a notice of appeal in the prescribed form with the relevant Deputy Vice-Chancellor not later than the timeframe set within the relevant policies or procedures.
(28) Where a hearing of the College Appeals Committee has been granted, the College Appeals Committee will, other than in exceptional circumstances, hear the appeal within twenty (20) working days from the date the appeal submission was deemed by the college to be complete.
(29) The student will be given notice in writing not less than five (5) working days before the date of the hearing, stating:
(30) The relevant dean/head of school (or nominee) will be given notice in writing not less than five (5) working days before the date of the hearing, stating:
(31) Notwithstanding clauses (29)b.i. and (30)c.i. where the student does not appear at the hearing and has not submitted any reasonable cause for their absence or the relevant dean/head of school is not represented at the hearing, the hearing may proceed and the decision of the College Appeals Committee will not thereby be invalidated.
(32) The College Appeals Committee will hear the appeal and after giving the student and such other persons as it considers appropriate an opportunity to be heard will:
(33) Within five (5) working days of the hearing of appeal the secretary of the College Appeals Committee will:
(34) There is a University Appeals Committee.
(35) Membership of the University Appeals Committee comprises:
(36) The chair of the University Appeals Committee is the chair of the Academic Board (or nominee).
(37) The secretary will be the Academic Registrar (or nominee) and is non-voting.
(38) Wherever possible membership of the University Appeals Committee will represent gender equality.
(39) A person will not be appointed a member of the University Appeals Committee or be permitted to carry out the responsibilities of clause (43):
(40) All members as identified under clause (35) must be formally invited to the appeal hearing.
(41) A quorum of the University Appeals Committee is the chair and one (1) voting member.
(42) Subject to satisfying any eligibility criteria described in the relevant policies or procedures, a student may appeal to the Academic Registrar (or nominee) to request a hearing of the University Appeals Committee regarding:
(43) The Academic Registrar (or nominee) will decide whether the application satisfies the grounds for appeal defined in the relevant policies or procedures to determine whether the appeal can proceed to hearing.
(44) Where eligibility criteria are deemed:
(45) Any appeal under clause (42) will be made by lodging a notice of appeal in the prescribed form with the Academic Registrar (or nominee) not later than the timeframe set within the relevant policies or procedures.
(46) Where a hearing of the University Appeals Committee has been granted, the University Appeals Committee will, other than in exceptional circumstances, hear the appeal within twenty (20) working days from the date the appeal submission was deemed by the Academic Registrar (or nominee) to be complete.
(47) The student will be given notice in writing not less than five (5) working days before the date of the hearing, stating:
(48) The original determination authority will be given notice in writing not less than five (5) working days before the date of the hearing, stating:
(49) Notwithstanding clauses (47)b.i. and (48)c.i. where the student does not appear at the hearing and has not submitted any reasonable cause for their absence or the relevant original determination authority is not represented at the hearing, the hearing may proceed and the decision of the University Appeals Committee will not thereby be invalidated.
(50) The University Appeals Committee will hear the appeal and after giving the student and such other persons as it considers appropriate an opportunity to be heard will:
(51) Within five (5) working days of hearing the appeal the Academic Registrar (or nominee) will:
(52) Any written notice required to be given by the University under these Regulations may be sent via email. In the case of the student, it will be to the student email address as recorded on the official University student database.
(53) Subject to University legislation, a panel, board or committee constituted under these Regulations regulates its own proceedings and in hearing any case is not bound by the rules or practices as to evidence or procedure, but may inform itself in relation to any matter as it considers appropriate.
(54) In this Division:
(55) Any appeal process commenced, on and from the commencement date, is to be dealt with under these Regulations.
(56) Any appeal process commenced, prior to the commencement date, is to be dealt with under the old regulations.
(57) On the commencement of these Regulations the following Regulations are revoked:
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